"Did you think that We had created you in play (without any purpose), and that you would not be brought back to Us?" [Al-Mukminun 23:115]
Apakah dengan berkerja keras itu maknanya kita kekurangan masa? Apakah dengan berkerja sambil lewa it maknanya kita mempunyai masa? Ataupun.. Apakah dengan berkerja keras, kita akan ada masa lebih? Apakah dengan bekerja sambil lewa itu membazirkan masa kita?
What is the price of hardwork ??
Mari kita lihat buku manual hidup kita (quran)
So verily, with the hardship, there is relief, Verily, with the hardship, there is relief [al-insyirah94:5-6]
Oleh itu, maka (tetapkanlah kepercayaanmu) bahawa sesungguhnya tiap-tiap kesukaran disertai kemudahan, (5) (Sekali lagi ditegaskan): Bahawa sesungguhnya tiap-tiap kesukaran disertai kemudahan. [al-insyirah94:5-6]
It is repeated 2 times. I rest my case for hardship’s price with God’s word (^^,)V
Do we really have time ??
To even consider it less or more ?
What I know is that, with all the work loads that we have in life. I said life. Not school works ah..
There are more things to do than the time we have.
Y ? u ask. Obviously we have the average years to live about 65years.
Don’t you know that we are obligated to return back the khalifah system into this world? Ok, maybe this is too drastic for some people, or maybe they don’t understand “khalifah”, so lets change it to : don’t you know that we are obligated to make the world into a better place ? (memakmurkan bumi) . ok, ok. Still couldn’t catch what im saying ? From surah [al-baqarah , 30 :29]
Dan (ingatlah) ketika Tuhanmu berfirman kepada malaikat: Sesungguhnya Aku hendak menjadikan seorang khalifah di bumi. Mereka bertanya (tentang hikmat ketetapan Tuhan itu dengan berkata): Adakah Engkau (Ya Tuhan kami) hendak menjadikan di bumi itu orang yang akan membuat bencana dan menumpahkan darah (berbunuh-bunuhan), padahal kami sentiasa bertasbih dengan memujiMu dan mensucikanMu?. Tuhan berfirman: Sesungguhnya Aku mengetahui akan apa yang kamu tidak mengetahuinya.
Khalifah basically means a leader. So, as a leader of the world , what do you need to do ? burn the forest ? support war ? (click here to boycott ) play skateboards 24/7? Check out girls ? Watch superheroes on cinema ? Idolize singers and actors ? (did you know that idol = berhala ?) linger around doing nothing ? Just pity the poor and still sit in the couch ?
Dan (ingatlah) Aku tidak menciptakan jin dan manusia melainkan untuk mereka menyembah dan beribadat kepadaKu. [ad-zariyat:56]
So, are those the ibadah for your LORD as a khalifah ?
As a king , don’t you need to EDUCATE your people to love the world too ? In another word, maybe a bit sensitive to certain people, it means “dakwah” . Ask people to return to ISLAM . because you alone, wont make the word a better place. Why do you think Allah says this :
Sesungguhnya Allah mengasihi orang-orang yang berperang untuk membela agamaNya, dalam barisan yang teratur rapi, seolah-olah mereka sebuah bangunan yang tersusun kukuh. [As-Saff:4]
*”orang-orang, mereka “ doesn’t show a person.
Anyway, back to the time question. Do you think we can make the world into a better place in just 65 years ? Of course not ! To makmurkan bumi is like a long winding road . A train (timeline) is moving on the road . You, have the choice. To get yourself into the train or not . The time given is your time line in this world, which is unknown . It could be another day, or another 1 year. What do you want to do ? gamble your lifetime ? Win – heaven. Loose – Hell. Wow, that’s a whole lot of money! Do you really want to gamble ? anyway gambling is not prohibited in Islam.
Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Mahukah Aku tunjukkan sesuatu perniagaan yang boleh menyelamatkan kamu dari azab seksa yang tidak terperi sakitnya? (10) Iaitu, kamu beriman kepada Allah dan rasulNya, serta kamu berjuang membela dan menegakkan agama Allah dengan harta benda dan diri kamu; yang demikian itulah yang lebih baik bagi kamu, jika kamu hendak mengetahui (hakikat yang sebenarnya).(11) [As-saff:10-11]
Did you know that in the Quran, there is a chapter about time ?
Nothing is worth it excepts what is written above. Hey, don’t try to think of excuses. Its all black and white. Very clearly stated. What ever we do, if it is in the above context, its worth it. Don’t try to break your neck trying to think if worthless things are worth it or not. The worthless are obviously not worth it.
p/s: i was wondering if jihad is fardhu ain or kifayah.
click here to check out if you need to work(jihad) or not.
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