Selamat tahun baru...
Hari ini pergi lab.. sensei takde. senpai A sakit, ada kat rumah. senpai B cam busy sgt sampai nampak sangat keletihan. Conbini pun tutup.
My first day at school started out a bit gloomy than i expected. But there are other memorable things that cheered up my ending year and new year.
* my housemate moved out from her room. --into my room.
* sleep over at farah's in choufu. slept at her loft.
* had dinner with iman, who people thought to be missing
* bought 2 boots at unbeatable prices (about 1500yen each)
* spent a whole day with Rashida and Arafah ( kosen newbies that are super adorable ) at machida.
* got a Hannari Fukubukuro at 3000yen. (2 clothes,1 plushie, 2 plushie keychain, 2 sheets, 1 callender, tissue box cover, 1 round pillow,1 bottle)
* bought a wide leg jeans and 1 black slack at book off for half price. the price was crazy. (each for 250yen)
* pillow talk with ijat and athirah
* Ebisu illumination, japanese type ice cream, cheesecake and getting locked up in the stairways.
* hanging out with Makcik (psychology lecturer) , abby and wawa around tokyo and yokohama.
* video talk with cuz , who seems very excited coz it is his first time video talking.
* bought Ryo/Cikun (my hamster) a new pot for his kuaci
* got my self a new zebra towel and a zebra sweater. (save the wildlife !! , ok, i should start paying attention on eco things )
* gulai ketam by aqilah.. (huge crabs!!)
* putting together world's smallest 1000 pieces puzzle of Tokyo and Kyoto. (magnifying glass needed)
* Marhaba's nasi briyani with Zaharah tachi
* Kinokuniya with Kak CT - bought myself Freakenomics
* Bought 2 skirts at an indian shop.(500yen each).
* Continuous meals relating to cheese . (Parmesan , mozarella , mixed cheese) (Subway-cream cheese sandwich,Cheese cake, Saizeriya - pizza,pasta, cheese bread ... )
* Found Rits Chocolate bar with hazelnuts. Bought myself a bar (It was all gone in less than an hour)
* reunited with a Niner(smks9 student-Sarah,gunma) in the snow (^_^)
* received special postcards ( 1 from Tazmania, 1 from UK , 1 with my pic on it, 1 from my Jr , 1 from Yuuki-hand painted ) ( owh dear, i need to reply )
* had Naan, everytime we dine at a halal restaurant. (Im soooo gonna miss the Naan when i get back to Malaysia)
Wow.. my list is quite long. All of these took place in 3 weeks. What i like most about this winter holiday, is that i get to make connections with new and unexpected people. Kamisama, arigatou.
Tidak Berpuasa Kerana ADHD?
1 day ago
huhu, certainly food equals happiness~
no wonder u miss me..
i x de pun dlm aktivit senarai di atas..T_T (ごめんね)
snylo, yes food can sometimes be happiness, thus money can buy food , so money can buy happiness. hehe. joking.
aL-wAfA, yeah i miss u~. cant wait to see you!! Its not that you are not in my activity,there were too many events that i didnt list it up.
* I remember you waiting for me and Zaharah at the lobby,
* yes, carried my luggage bag for a long time (bully wAfA),
* and i Remember Sha used and wet your boots in the snow while you went snowboarding with the rest.
see, my list can get longer and longer. (^^,)V
Nice posting.
Web Development Company India
apa kabar izyan?alhamdulillah kak disini baik2 saja, baby dah besar^^ dah mau 8 bulan umurnya, her name is Amira.
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